Volunteer Application

Are you interested in sharing some time each week to make a big difference in the life of a child? Let us know more about you by completing the form below.

Your Contact Information


Background Check Information

By completing this application you agree Freedom Readers may submit a request for a background check and you acknowledge that as long as you are a volunteer the background check will be completed annually.

The following information is needed for the background check:

The date field Date you moved into your current address: is required.
The field Former Street Address (address, city, state, zip): is required.
The field Years Lived at Former Address: is required.


The maximum length for the field Current or Former Occupation (if you are currently or were formerly an educator, please indicate name of school district): is 500 characters.
The field Please provide the names, addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers of two personal references. is required.
The maximum length for the field Do you have any particular experience with young children that you want us to know about? is 5000 characters.
The maximum length for the field Do you bring a particular skill or area of expertise that might be helpful to Freedom Readers? Is there something in particular that you would like to do or contribute to the volunteer program? is 5000 characters.

Time Available

The maximum length for the field During which session(s) are you available to be a volunteer tutor? is 500 characters.
The maximum length for the field How much time would you like to give as a literacy volunteer? is 500 characters.
The maximum length for the field What specific times are you available to work with children? is 500 characters.
The maximum length for the field At which site would you prefer to volunteer? Please check the locations page of our website for all available times and locations. is 500 characters.

Survey of Interests

The maximum length for the field How did you learn about Freedom Readers and why did you decide to become a volunteer? is 5000 characters.
The maximum length for the field What do you hope children will gain from your participation as a Freedom Reader? is 5000 characters.
The maximum length for the field What do you hope you will gain and learn from your participation as a Freedom Reader? is 5000 characters.